I've been up in the clouds getting used to my new role as a mommy to our little angel Rafael. It was a challenging labor (still processing it), but I will tell you more about it later. We had a planned a home birth and our experience at home was beautiful and peaceful. There were some complications during the pushing stage and we eventually had to go to the Valley Medical Birth Center where Rafael was delivered by an emergency cesarean section. Although this was not ideal, we are grateful that Rafael and I are safe and recovering well. We stayed at the Birth Center for 4 days in recovery where we received excellent care and treatment.
We are finally home and enjoying this stage of getting to know each other! I am taking a break from my blogging for awhile until I get back on my feet. Thank you for reading my blog and for all of your well wishes and support! I am excited for 2010, the year of the Tiger! Rawr!
Rafael's 1st Thanksgiving (age 5 days old) from Joanna Dyckhoff on Vimeo.