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Mar 06, 2008



Amelie and Memoirs of a Geisha are my favorites too!!! Love them. I don't know some of the others you listed but will have to watch them!


OMG - are we related? I would add Bicycle Thief, Chungking Express, House of the Flying Daggers and Curse of the Golden Flower... can you tell i have a thing for subtitles, lol.


Some of my faves include:

-The Five Obstructions
-The Royal Tenenbaums
-Va Savoir (Who knows?)
-El Otro Lado de la Cama (The Other Side of the Bed)
-Stealing Beauty (if i had the option i would live the rest of my life out in the world of this movie - Bertolucci is king of the light)
-Stranger Than Fiction
-Before Sunrise
-Paris, Je T'aime
-The Thomas Crown Affair (the 1999 remake with Rene Russo and Pierce Brosnan)
-The Big Lebowski
-Lost in Translation
-Hot Fuzz

Yeah, I'm a total language snob too.

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